CSCI160 Computer Science II

Course Syllabus:

Instructional Guide:



Credits: 4
4 Lecture, 0 Lab,
0 On the Job Training.

Prerequisites: CSCI157

Department: Computer Science

PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide 2nd Edition Required Text:
C++ Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design 4th Edition
PHP Advanced for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickPro Guide Required Text:
Invitation to Computer Science 4th Edition

Instructor: Allen Benusa
Phone: 320-234-8547


This course is a continuation of CSCI 157 Computer Science I, using the programming language C++. This course is intended for computer science majors/minors, engineering majors, or anyone interested in learning the fundamentals of computer programming. Topics covered include arrays, pointers, strings, records, classes, data files, problem solving, recursion, and linked structures. Students will be expected to write programs that incorporate the concepts discussed in class and to show mastery of the language.